Japanese Academy Cafe - Grupos de

Japanese Academy Cafe

O grupo Japanese Academy Cafe foi adicionado na categoria . Volte sempre para encontrar novos grupos. Aqui você não precisa esperar ninguém te adicionar! Entre no link de convite e seja bem vindo! Seja bem vindo ao grupo! E não esqueça de ler as regras para não ser removido.

Descrição do Grupo de :

Here you can learn Japanese at your own pace. I use the textbook to structure the lessons, however I craft the lessons in a simpler and more in depth way, that anyone can understand. I use plenty of examples and neat graphs and charts I make. The server is quite organized and has a lot of lessons and more to come. If you would like to help out in making your own lessons or fixing the theme or anything of the sorts, feel free to let me know. I will happily let anyone make lessons or channels they feel like. A place to study Japanese and delve into the world and culture of Japan. We also follow a cute anime theme.

Regras do Grupo para :

Here you can learn Japanese at your own pace. I use the textbook to structure the lessons, however I craft the lessons in a simpler and more in depth way, that anyone can understand. I use plenty of examples and neat graphs and charts I make. The server is quite organized and has a lot of lessons and more to come. If you would like to help out in making your own lessons or fixing the theme or anything of the sorts, feel free to let me know. I will happily let anyone make lessons or channels they feel like. A place to study Japanese and delve into the world and culture of Japan. We also follow a cute anime theme.

Entrar Japanese Academy Cafe -

Você pode participar do grupo Japanese Academy Cafe clicando no botão abaixo. Antes de entrar no grupo, lembre-se que não monitoramos os grupos, então não podemos garantir que as regras do grupo serão cumpridas. Sempre tome cuidado antes de entrar em um grupo.