Survivum - Real Time Dayz Server - Grupos de

Survivum - Real Time Dayz Server

A categoria deste grupo é . Logo abaixo você vai encontrar outros grupos semelhantes a esse. Pessoas do Brasil/Capitais estão pesquisando por Survivum - Real Time Dayz Server e esse grupo tem pessoas de vários DDDs diferentes. Então se você está procurando por Survivum - Real Time Dayz Server, você pode entrar no grupo e conhecer pessoas de vários lugares do Brasil.

Descrição do Grupo de :

¤ No trader: custom content is perfectly balanced and integrated into the game. No farming: everything is won by blood and tears ¤ No rules, no zones or talk: you are free to do what you want, with whom you want, where you want ¤ No Rp, if you don't want, nobody will force you ¤ Instinct of the DayZ Original, at the time of the Arma II mod where survival was paramount. Weapons of war are uncommon, but food and hunting gear are still common in early areas ¤ Post-Apo spirit thanks to the integration of several mods on the theme of Stalker and Fallout, such as toxic zones guarded by mutants or the possibility of having your own dog (against Zeds only, it will not attack the players) ¤ Helicopters, boats and hummers, but in limited quantities... It's DayZ, not Florida! ¤ Stable and Family Server with a passionate administrator of +20 years of experience: no request for donations, privileges, or childishness ☣️

Regras do Grupo para :

¤ No trader: custom content is perfectly balanced and integrated into the game. No farming: everything is won by blood and tears ¤ No rules, no zones or talk: you are free to do what you want, with whom you want, where you want ¤ No Rp, if you don't want, nobody will force you ¤ Instinct of the DayZ Original, at the time of the Arma II mod where survival was paramount. Weapons of war are uncommon, but food and hunting gear are still common in early areas ¤ Post-Apo spirit thanks to the integration of several mods on the theme of Stalker and Fallout, such as toxic zones guarded by mutants or the possibility of having your own dog (against Zeds only, it will not attack the players) ¤ Helicopters, boats and hummers, but in limited quantities... It's DayZ, not Florida! ¤ Stable and Family Server with a passionate administrator of +20 years of experience: no request for donations, privileges, or childishness ☣️

Entrar Survivum - Real Time Dayz Server -

Você pode participar do grupo Survivum - Real Time Dayz Server clicando no botão abaixo. Antes de entrar no grupo, lembre-se que não monitoramos os grupos, então não podemos garantir que as regras do grupo serão cumpridas. Sempre tome cuidado antes de entrar em um grupo.

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