Palia - Grupos de


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Descrição do Grupo de :

Welcome to the Palia Community! 👋We are a cozy, welcoming, and friendly place for those excited about the release of Palia to find each other and chat. You'll also be able to keep up with game updates, ask questions, or offer suggestions directly to the team!The dream of Palia is based on a few simple but mighty ideas:🔹 Create a place to belong. Discover deep friendships, and find your community. 💖🔹 Live a lovely fantasy. Where you can happily express your identity in a cozy setting. 🍵🔹 Coziness, comfort, and contentment for all. Palia is your place to destress and unwind. 🛋️🔹 Completely immerse yourself in a world you can believe in. Spend time unearthing the secrets of humanity's past while getting to know a rich culture full of lore. 📚

Regras do Grupo para :

Canal/Grupo sem regras! Verifique o link e tente novamente!

Entrar Palia -

Você pode participar do grupo Palia clicando no botão abaixo. Antes de entrar no grupo, lembre-se que não monitoramos os grupos, então não podemos garantir que as regras do grupo serão cumpridas. Sempre tome cuidado antes de entrar em um grupo.