Kaos Corpus - Grupos de

Kaos Corpus

O grupo Kaos Corpus foi adicionado na categoria . Volte sempre para encontrar novos grupos. Aqui no nosso app você não perde tempo com links inválidos! Nós removemos os grupos que foram apagados ou tiveram seus links revogados pelos admins! Ainda sobre o grupo, o link já recebeu mais de 561 membros desde que foi publicado em nosso aplicativo.

Descrição do Grupo de :

What up, We are an anime, gaming loving and chill community. Looking for people to play instead of playing with randoms? Feel free to take a look and help us grow together. This a place to: - Find a group of players to play regularly - Talk about that last anime episode you just saw, and wanna discuss it with someone who likes the same anime. And “thinks” he/she knows more about said anime than you :P - Just log in and bitch about your day at work / school or whatever the hell you do with your time on this Earth. The rules are pretty straight forward to be honest… There are just 3 and it’s more like common sense than anything else. PS: yes you can have your own private voice channel for you and your friends.

Regras do Grupo para :

What up, We are an anime, gaming loving and chill community. Looking for people to play instead of playing with randoms? Feel free to take a look and help us grow together. This a place to: - Find a group of players to play regularly - Talk about that last anime episode you just saw, and wanna discuss it with someone who likes the same anime. And “thinks” he/she knows more about said anime than you :P - Just log in and bitch about your day at work / school or whatever the hell you do with your time on this Earth. The rules are pretty straight forward to be honest… There are just 3 and it’s more like common sense than anything else. PS: yes you can have your own private voice channel for you and your friends.

Entrar Kaos Corpus -

Você pode participar do grupo Kaos Corpus clicando no botão abaixo. Antes de entrar no grupo, lembre-se que não monitoramos os grupos, então não podemos garantir que as regras do grupo serão cumpridas. Sempre tome cuidado antes de entrar em um grupo.